Monday, March 28, 2022

Out of the way, wooly mates!



  1. I once drove a loaded log truck through a herd of sheep like that in the Sierra Valley back in the '80's. As I approached the herd one of the herders climbed up on the running board and told me "Just put it in your lowest gear and idle on through, they'll get out of your way", and that's exactly what they did. It was surreal, like driving through a dream.

  2. Replies
    1. Looks like the 81 million right there.

    2. It wasn't because Joe was so great.,.rather because 81 million were so pissed off at the then current asshole.
      Easy to see for anyone with wide open eyes.

    3. Joe Biden is member of Eyes Wide Shut club. Trump wants the death penalty for pedophiles.

  3. If you want to grow old, get out of the road - Pink Floyd

  4. I give you The Democratic Party. Mark those coordinates.......

  5. War on Terror..War on Covid..Ukraine..Will slaps Chris..Ba Ba Black Sheep..Wake up Neo
