Saturday, March 26, 2022




  1. Property tax. Building permits. Buying seeds? Fertilizer? Tools? Sales Tax.
    They will get their pound of flesh. Oh yes, inheritance tax.

    1. For the nitpickers, it should say, "Gov'ts can't profit AS MUCH from self sufficient people".

      You have to completely spell it out for those with a 3rd grade mentality.

      Also, the same can be said for "self employed" people too.

  2. How about out and out seizure of the crops, just like Stalin did.

    The government loves to steal from "self sufficient" people because they have no allies, they're "self sufficient" dontcha know.

    1. SOME have ways to at least resist. Dieing is not the worst end. Many will be in the prescence of our Holy God.

      Philippians 1:21

      "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."

      If I am able to take out those who fight against our Lord, and His people, may I be FEIRCE against them, and may their followers give pause, and repent.

      Either way, we will ALL stand before God, to answer for our deeds.

  3. Well, that may be true for HONEST governments.

    1. Honest Governments = Oxymoron if I ever heard one.

    2. "honest goobermint"... LOfuckingL.

  4. And all socialism has ever squeezed out of self sufficient farmers is......starvation for the masses. Capitalism saved the world from about a little gratitude.

  5. Self-reliance is why they hate us. It's OK though, like everything else is this world I'll hate them BETTER and more efficiently than they could possibly hate me. Laugh as they starve and eradicate those who would steal the fruits of MY labor. It's coming. Harden the fuck up and prepare. They're going to force us to defend our liberty. The sooner we get it over with, the less chance they have of doing it to our children. Be a man, FIGHT like your future depends on it. Hint; It does.
