Tuesday, March 22, 2022

B-52 showing off its unique swiveling landing gear in a very crabbed landing.


  1. Incredible.
    Ohio Guy

  2. I use to fly sailplanes and had a few crosswind landings, but nothing like that! That has to be a weird, butt puckering feeling landing sideways to the axis of the plane...

  3. Thats the largest, longest left turn I have seen. Go BUFF!

  4. Damn! I didn't know it could do that!

  5. Question is, why would that angle be necessary on a landing??

    1. Are you dense? Hell of a crosswind across the runway. All planes attempting a landing with that do exactly this. Most pilots faced with a severe like this will land in another direction or airport. The B 52 in question with it's swiveling landing gear can handle severe crosswinds.

    2. With a bad crosswind, the pilot needs to point the nose, here, 40 degrees off to the right of the runway keep the aircraft flying along the runway.

      Then he has to transition, *just* before touchdown, to pointing the nose straight down the runway to keep the wheels from shearing off.

      ...but not on a B-52 with its once-upon-a-time TOP SECRET landing gear.

    3. Don't listen to them. Ignore the obvious. The pilot was just showing off, man.
      Hit YouTube and search
      Cross wind landings

    4. Justin,
      the drag 'chute staying inline with the fuselage indicates that is a real crosswind landing, with a considerable wind speed. I would expect some flak from the group commander if the pilot was just goofing off. Hazarding the aircraft playing with that much offset unnecessarily would be frowned upon. BTW, the fact the wings stayed level all the way to the end of the video also shows there was a crosswind.

  6. The amount of wing surface on that beast!

  7. Cederq, that wasn't nice. He may not know anything about flying.

    1. Say's the anonymouse... get a handle and I will lend some credence to your statement.

  8. It is possible to fly a crosswind landing lined up with the runway by using a slip, but the bank is limited by your wingtip hitting the ground, not a good idea.
    I got signed off for 20 kt crosswind, but never felt comfortable all cross controlled. That Buff did the most radical CW I've ever seen.

  9. Cederq is anonymous only with a different spelling.

  10. It's always the same guy. Anonymous? Hell,that could be most anyone..
