Friday, March 25, 2022

Aerial Gymnastics



  1. The Wrights made continuous careful study of birds in flight. The Wrights hadn't invented anything new which other men didn't also have. The Wrights didn't invent the wind tunnel and an engine wasn't necessary for a glider. What the Wrights did was to study the birds in flight like none other before them.

  2. American Kestrel. Those things are a hoot. They like sitting on fenceposts while waiting for lunch to pop up.

    One day while I was riding fence at the ranch I approached a Kestrel and as I got too close for his comfort he took off and flew to another post about 75 feet away. I proceeded down the line and as I did he repeated the act again.

    We must have played that game for a quarter of a mile, until he got tired of me. Then he flew around and perched near the first post I'd seen him on to begin with.
    I enjoyed visiting with him. I'm not sure he felt the same.

  3. Quite a few around here. Very fun to watch, nearly impossible to get a picture of.
