Sunday, June 7, 2020

The rioting by the left is nothing new.

Although you are probably as tired of all the progressive chaos as I am, this read puts perspective on what's happening now, and the basis for it.

The Left has always been violence prone.   

Before even this, there were the Wobblies and Socialists.

True story.  The mother of one of my uncles, a very aged lady when I met her, was very much involved in the union based riots in Chicago in her youth.  However, we were told that she would never talk about them, because once, on the front line, she'd clocked someone with a board, and was convinced she'd killed the guy.  Not something she was proud of.


  1. You can always tell how worthless a policy is that the "reformers" are trying to force on the population by the extremes they use to push it.

  2. I have this book in my library and it's next on my read list as soon as I finish "Destructive Generation". I was in my 20s in the 60s but the riots then didn't see hardly as bad as the current uprisings.

  3. Read it as soon as it came out; excellent.
    See also Eugene Lyons " The Red Decade" mine is second edition from 1970.
    The left are the enemies of my country.
    Boat Guy
