Monday, June 22, 2020

Mondays, they're like that


  1. Danny Trejo, most expressive face in modern hollywood.

    Retired Cop

    1. not on this planet.

      Throughout the '60s, Trejo was in and out of jail and prison in California; Trejo has suggested that his physical appearance contributed to his constantly getting into trouble. There are conflicting accounts of his prison chronology. By one account, his final term in custody ended in 1972;[4] by another account, he did time in a juvenile offenders' camp and six California prisons[which?] between 1959 and 1969.[10][11] He recalled that his last prison term was five years.

      While serving in San Quentin, he became a champion boxer in that prison's lightweight and welterweight divisions.[4] During this time, Trejo became a member of a 12-step program, which he credits with his success in overcoming drug addiction. In 2011, he recalled that he had been sober for 42 years.[10]

    2. Unknown,

      It's pretty obvious that Anonymous is the retired cop and was simply signing his comment. Thanks though.

  2. Yes, that defines Mondays. I was going to drive to Sedona today to hang out but have put that off to Tuesday.
