Saturday, June 20, 2020

Been a long time since I got one of these


  1. I remember those. Great place to go when a kid.

    Haven't been to an A&w for over a decade.

    It was horrible. I don't know what they did to their root beer, but YUCH!

  2. Typical racist food. White is placed over brown, symbolic of the enslavement of the noble African by the soul-less, blue eyed, white devilspawn of renegade scientist Big-Head Yakub. Cursèd be the name of Yakub!

    I had some root beer at an actual A&W last year. The sugary version was fine, the "diet" was an abomination.

  3. It was sad to see ours close those many years ago.

  4. Mike_C points out correctly that eating a root beer float is inherently racist. And "American Food"? You're excluding the people in Chop intentionally?

  5. I had a root beer float sometime in the last 2 years, I remember talking about when we stopped at one.
    I don't remember the root beer float at all....

  6. those things explode.....ask me how I know.

  7. Only ever tried root beer once, in 1983. I was 24. Most disgusting substance to ever pass my lips. Tasted like mouthwash. Never again.

  8. A+W had a great one as did HoJo's...."Big Black Cow"....My Mom could never figure how I could love root beer and hate licorice....

  9. In the 50's a RootBeer Float was THE treat over the summer. We drove miles to a forest church for mass, then coming home, if our behaviour had earned it, we got floats when we returned to the cottage. Sweet memories. But now I think too sweet for me.
