Tuesday, June 2, 2020

250 MB Hard Drive (1979)


  1. How things have changed - from there to a thumb drive.

  2. First used for instant replay television coverage of the Olympics.

  3. A few years earlier (1974) I was watching our USAF base level computer upgraded from 128K to 512K of core memory. I was told the cost was around $250k to do this.

    These type of disk drives were pretty fast because they had one R/W head per disk track. Disk head crashes, relatively unknown now, were a distinct possibility. You never forget the first one you hear!

  4. That's the Willy Wonka screening room when they shrank Mike TV.

  5. We're supposed to be getting this upgrade in the next DoD FY.

  6. I used to own several floor standing disk drives for several old HP 3000 mini- computer I used to own. Stood nearly waist high, about 2’ wide by 3’ deep. Capacity was 50 Mb for one HP 7920), and 120 Mb (HP 7925). I later upgraded to 404 Mb drives (HP 7933/7835) - same physical size. And boy did they suck diown electricity and put out heat - especially when they were being heavily accessed.

    Yeah - things have changed a bit...
