Monday, May 11, 2020

It appears that Alameda County has folded to Elon Musk's temper tantrum, now stating that Tesla can "maintain minimum operation" at its Fremont facility, according to a press release issued moments ago.

So, if he can reopen, why can't everyone else??

This is the problem.  These government swells think everyone simply must do whatever they say.  In normal times, everyone will, as we all value a law based society, well organized and predictable.

However, when the swells face a revolt during times of crises, when people's tolerance of continued control by unelected people who appear to be exercising arbitrary power wears out, then it's time for them to decide to back off.   If they can pick off the citizens one at a time, they will.

However, when the citizens organize against the abuse, their authority might well and probably will vanish overnight, and who can know when or if they'll get it back.

Here, someone big and powerful enough pushed back, and got what he wanted.  How does that strike the small businessman or woman?

They can get the same result by simply organizing themselves and doing the same.  Enough people refuse to bow to the will of the bureaucrat, and the 'crat will back off, just like this.

We will see where this goes from here, but I'm watching with great interest.


  1. If that's the case, I hope the whole state throws a temper tantrum.

  2. Money talks and nobody walks. Especially if it applies to losing tax money.

  3. Tesla would be better off elsewhere, irrespective of the present situation. It would cost a lot to relocate, but I think that there is significant savings, in Nevada, which isn't that far from where they are now, really.

  4. Because he is probably the biggest taxpayer in the county, and most likely the largest employer....

  5. Musk is waiting for the bidding war from the other states for his company. Lower taxes or no taxes for "X" number of years and who knows what other goodies are offered. Happens all the time. It's how SC got BMW, Boeing and a number of Amazon warehouses.

  6. Money talks and there are two sets of rules and laws out there.....for those that "have" and those (like the majority of us) that "have not". I am totally surprised you have not realized that simple fact yet. We work within the system, pay our taxes, try to do the best we can and get shit on for our efforts. Those that flaunt the law, cheat, and are in power rake in the benefits. Don't believe me? Look at your IRA's or 401K's.

    1. Pipe down, like a good little peasant.

      Paul L. Quandt

  7. He is compelled to move. He will save billions in taxes from his company and billions more from his future bonuses and stock options. He'll go if he wants to exercise the options.
