Friday, May 29, 2020

Reflexes, he has them.


  1. That guy is living on borrowed time. One day his reflexes won't be good enough, and the bill will come due.

  2. What about the knob with the GoPro chasing him on the second bike? Sorry but if you split lanes and end up underneath someone's vehicle, it's on you.

    I had one of these dickheads run a read light while I was executing a turn on an arrow. He sailed right through the intersection at me and I stopped for him or he'd be dead. I yelled, "You ran the light!" He jumps off his bike and starts yelling "C'mon! Let's go!" or something like that along with a stream of expletives. This was in DC/Northern VA traffic during rush hour and he was out getting exercise - not commuting and not in a bike path - and to this day, I will never understand why anyone would want to do that, at that time of day, in this place of all places.

    Death wish, maybe?

  3. Hey, guess what? The laws say you go with the flow of traffic and weaving in and out is illegal.

    Start treating these jerks like they are 'motor vehicles' and demand they have insurance, pay road tax, get fined and arrested for reckless cycling and all that, and 'poof' they'll all disappear off the roads.

    Bike riders like this have gotten away with it because they have been a 'protective class' for far too long.

    1. Another point on which we see eye to eye, Andrew.

      Paul L. Quandt

    2. You mad bro?

      I'd hazzard a guess that you drive to a gym.

    3. I'd "hazzard" a guess you're an entitled young leftist.

    4. @ Rob

      Three out of three wrong there Rob. Beans doesn't strike me as princess needing a white knight to save him. Does it get you laid? White Knighting people on the internet?

  4. Hmmm....I'm all in favor of this kind of behavior. Lots of people on orgain transplant lists living on borrowed time waiting on kidneys and such and that's where a lot of organs come from.


  5. I'm guessing that none of you ride a motorcycle. The term is "splitting lanes", and in some states, perfectly legal. Don't know how it would work for bicycles, legally.
    BTW, statistically, it is much safer than sitting in line with the cars. Also, good chance that the red car did that deliberately, and that can be charged as vehicular assault (use of a deadly weapon). Bicycles can't stop very well, so he was forced to do that dramatic dodging routine. The key to making that charge stick is there was no advantage to that sudden lane change.
