Saturday, May 16, 2020

Great Article on the Virus Hysteria

"First off, the models that drove most of the reaction (and, let’s be honest, the panic) were created by Neil Ferguson, a “mathematical epidemiologist” who had previously made such predictions as ( …
– 2002: Predicted up to 50,000 in the UK would die form Bovine Spongeaform Encephalitis (“Mad Cow Disease”). To date, there have been 177 deaths from that cause.
– 2005: Predicted that up to 150 million people would die from that year’s Avian Flu. In the end, only 282 people died from that strain.
– 2009: Swine flu this time. Based on Ferguson’s advice a UK government estimate was 65,000 deaths in Great Britain. Actual deaths? 457.
So, given this stellar track record, the real question is: why did anybody give this idiot any credence at all when he admitted using undocumented 13 year old code intended for a then feared flu epidemic and not for coronavirus?
But, governments around the world, including those of the US and its component states, saw those dire predictions and panicked."
And then there's this:
"COVID19 is largely harmless to people who do not have serious co-morbidities, to people who aren’t the very old, or with significant heart and lung problems. So, nursing homes are filled with the most vulnerable people. So why require nursing homes to accept COVID19 patients? Yet that was exactly what Cuomo ordered.
There is absolutely no sense to the restrictions being imposed on the American People in the name of COVID19. They range from the useless to the deadly. This does not mean that there are not things that can be done that would actually help the situation:
– Wash your hands.
– If you’re sick, stay home (unless you’re sick enough to need to go to the hospital).
– Isolate those who are most at risk (the elderly, those with significant heart or breathing problems).
Really, you should be doing all of that anyway. If COVID19 gets people actually doing that then that’s a win. Not worth the other nonsense but, “it’s an ill wind” and all that.
But the rest? Not only useless but actively harmful. First, from the way diseases work, you wantthe low risk people to get the disease. Get it, get over it, and stop being a risk to everyone else. You want it to spread quickly and thoroughly through the low-risk population. By slowing that, you delay when “herd immunity” is able to protect the higher risk people. And then there’s the other effects of all the restrictions, the effects on the economy. People keep trying to dismiss that as “millionaires profits” but economic damage extends far beyond some millionaire having to find a less expensive brand of champagne. It causes suffering and death for real people."
It will be interesting, in the end, when this is all over, to compare the results the US got with the results in Sweden, where they've encouraged herd immunity and kept their economy going.  That comparison will certainly be enlightening.
Meanwhile, we should be investigating and prosecuting those who in the medical field who listed the cause of death for those who have passed as the virus, so as to get the extra federal money, instead of the real, more prosaic reasons.
And add the people responsible for intentionally ordering virus positive people to be sent to old folks homes.  Those people who did that should be shot, publicly (OK, an overreaction, but come on, who could possibly be that stupid or that evil, or both?).


  1. Good info. This virus shit getting out of hand. Now I read Michigan needs a ton of money just for schools. Then somebody noticed that with the shutdown, they shouldn't be spending any money. Use what you have. Now, pigloosey passes a three TRILLION dollar spending bill. People think the gubment has warehouses full of cash they're sitting on. Truth is, they borrow it from Chinka, and raise taxes on us later to pay it back. Meanwhile, the icecream queen flies back and forth on an empty jet. We are truly fucked.

  2. This doesn't fit the Liberal destroy Trump by destroying the economy narrative. And there's no Republican pushing back. Maybe that's because the entire lot of useless Washington D.C. Beltway political Club parasites don't give a shit and never did give a shit about us peasants.

  3. The problem with all that is that to date, there is zero evidence that getting it makes you "stop being a risk to everyone else", or that there's any such thing as "herd immunity" from this virus.

    So other than pulling out the foundation stone of her whole thesis is 2 seconds of common sense and reality, what else ya got?

    Perpetual lockdowns won't work. Neither will doing nothing.
    Now come up with something better than either.

    1. You do what our noble host said to do.

      Wash your damned hands.

      Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing and coughing.

      Don't spit on the sidewalk.

      Stay the frack home if you're sick.

      And isolate the old and unwell during the sickly season.

      Just like we used to do before super-meds. And we should be doing during every flu season or major flu outbreak.

      I do it with my wife. When I go out, I come home, toss my clothes in the wshing machine and take a full shower (making sure to rinse out my nose and throat) before I get near her.

      That's how you handle... pandemics.

      If it gets really bad, the one who goes out to do work and get supplies does what I do, but also stays in a room away from the rest of the family, preferably one that is disconnected from shared air. It's one of the reasons that old farmsteads often had small rooms in the barn. Not for servants, but for quarantining during illness. "Hey, kids, let's all go sleep in the barn and camp out!"

      Common sense.

    2. Did not know that fact about barns. Thanks

    3. It would be nice if America was Mayberry everywhere.
      The "People should use common sense" approach was tried in NYFC. It didn't go as planned. So what's your Plan B when you get similar results?
      We've used red and green lights at intersections for "stop" and "go" for a century, and we still can't get people to follow that rule.

  4. Isolating healthy, contributing members of society makes no sense except to power-mad pussies

  5. ...investigate & prosecute those in the medical field who listed cause of death as the virus?
    When my wife had a surgical procedure performed, I recall signing off on a consent form. Amid other fine print was the phrase "medicine is an in-exact science" then some fancy wording that sometimes "s**t happens". Best believe doctors have their opinions covered by experts in stating opinions; lawyers.

  6. "And add the people responsible for intentionally ordering virus positive people to be sent to old folks homes. Those people who did that should be shot, publicly (OK, an overreaction, but come on, who could possibly be that stupid or that evil, or both?)."
    I don't believe in shooting these people - it doesn't improve their IQ. Particularly since I've begun to invest in oil (tar), agriculture (chicken farms), and agro-forestry (rails).
    For the continual offenders, a guillotine may prove more effective

    1. No, shooting is too good for them.

      Open hangings, then heads cut off and mounted outside their office buildings.

      There is no rehabilitation to a sociopath or psycopath. But you can provide an incentive to others by an example.

  7. This entire epidemic 'Event' is a contrived and Trojan Horse operation by the democrats. It was created when the Covid19 was first discovered with the idea of crippling society out of an 'Abundance of caution' that was unwarranted from the start or if you want, shortly after it started. Anyone paying attention realized that the virus was acting almost identically to every other flu pandemic we have seen, targeting the elderly and infirm along with those who are vulnerable. In the past, we acted to protect these people and allowed society to carry on. This time, the democrats saw that they could cripple the economy thereby hurting Trump and his re-election campaign. When I say 'democrats' I am referring to the deep state democrat loyalists who are secretly undermining our president and his administration.

    This is just one tip of a multi pronged attack upon Trump and his administration dating from before the election of 2016. Russia Gate and the illegal investigation stemming from democrat operative planted false evidence was used to trap Flynn, and the rest are all casualties of this attack.

    The virus and the destruction of thousands of small and large businesses are the goals of this shutdown which for all intents and purposes did little to prevent the spread of the virus. In fact, it allowed democrats in elected office to spread it even more as outlined in the article by Cuomo's criminal order to put infected people in Nursing homes causing mayhem and deaths at a rate that would not have existed had these orders not been given. These orders would not have occurred without the declaration of an emergency which all stems back to the false statistical modeling that Trump was presented by the deep state democrat cabal in order to orchestrate this disaster.

  8. "come on, who could possibly be that stupid or that evil, or both"

    Sociopathic Demonrats drunk with POWER. Did I repeat myself?

    Start with Andrew Cuomo. He was the first governor to ORDER his health care infrastructure to send overflow Kung Flu patients to nursing homes in spite of evidence and warnings that older people are more vulnerable to a bad outcome.

    Then look at the rest of the worst offenders in the "you will obey my authority" group. ALL Demonrats reading from the same playbook.

    Who the hell believes that prohibiting people from FISHING, a mostly solitary endeavor, is going to mitigate disease spread? Does anyone need any more evidence than that to determine sociopathic power drunk bent in an elected official?


  9. In the last pandemics we didn't have the 24/7 news coverage on TV, no one noticed. The overwhelmed hospitals looked bad on TV so we had a professional "flatten the curve" media campaign so it would look better on the MSM. That went well and some one with an agenda thought this would be good if it could be milked until the election in November.

  10. I believe the idiot has recently resigned
