Sunday, May 10, 2020

Big Water, Long Fall


  1. The posture of the surfer, the position of his board, his place at the top of what will prove to be a horrendous wipeout, even the shape of the wave...all is reminiscent of a T-shirt I used to have. And printed over it was, WUT ME WORRY?

    How closely all this resembles my old T-shirt is uncanny.


  2. It's a photoshop. First, no one will try to paddle in on that size wave on such a short board. Second, the surfer carving at the bottom is wearing a full suit and with flotation on the back. The other guy is dressed for warm water.

    But it's a very cool pic.


    1. You're probably correct about Photoshoped, but your second comment? Really, the interwebs is full of videos of people putting a lie to the expectation of common sense. There's someone out there who'd not think twice about tackling such a wave on a cheap Styrofoam boogie board..

  3. as compared to diving from a cliff?

  4. The top guy could well be under water for three minutes. In the late nineties, I knew a boy who practiced for these huge waves by going to the bottom and holding his breath as long as possible and the last time he tried, he blacked out.:(
