Saturday, May 9, 2020

About to discover how fast a guy can crawl backwards


  1. I'm thinking his reverse trip pavement might just be paved in moist. smelly, brown macadam.

  2. "About to discover how fast a guy can crawl backwards".... my money is on NOT FAST ENOUGH!!!

  3. I'm betting the camera person get's out. Like they say, you don't have to be faster than the bear, just faster than the other guy ;>}

    1. woodland/jungle survival course I took at Ft Howard in the 1970s had a lecture on the alternate uses of the .38 special FMJ cartridge/pistol(the usefulness of that weapon in the field was doubtful) when you and someone else was being pursued by those with foul designs upon your tender body. the gist of the lecture was that it is always easier to run faster without a bullet hole in the leg than with.

  4. So I'm guessing they found this GoPro in a pile of bear crap that smelled like pepper spray?

  5. Used to be a guy in PA that used to do that. I think his name was Gary Alt. He's still alive. You could look him up.

  6. Tunnel rats carried a .45 and a flashlight. There was a reason why.

    1. Hopefully some earpro of some kind—.45 is loud enough in the open air, but in a cave? Great way to go deaf.

  7. There's a young lady here in my town that worked for the wildlife agency taking baby cubs out of their mother's den in winter in order to get their vital statistics.
    She would crawl into the den in the dead of winter when the sow was in hibernation and grab the cubs and bring them outside to weigh and measure.

    1. More proof that the old can get the young to do anything.

  8. Bear cashes in on Corona Virus home delivery craze as restaurant dumpsters become dry holes.
