Saturday, March 14, 2020

The hammering begins


  1. Eyeah. I was once asked by a relative why I needed to have a gun. I told her it is because I wanted a gun. But why she asks. I answered her with because I want one or maybe three and that's the all the reason I need.
    don't get me wrong, I don't have a desire to have an eighty millimeter mortar or a GAU-134 or a GAU-15(it would be nice but ammo is a bit pricey-after winning the lotto should I ever play that, that may change) but even then should I want one or three, that would still be reason enough.
    Having Second Amendment Right to keep and bear arms means becoming able to overcome a government that has gone off the rails. And that government has already utilized armored vehicles and automatic weapons against it's own citizens. Any government official who tells you that you don't need that, probably has plans for you that you won't like one bit. those would be the people standing behind biden and sanders. as pelosi has said, you have to vote for them to find out for sure.

  2. A deplorable, dirt iron worker, and pissed off! the democrats have no idea of the can of whoop-ass coming their way. I am sure the iron workers and the other trades are rethinking their labor union's demoncrat leanings. I bet a lot are not gonna vote what the union's hack suggestions.

    1. I gotta tell you, I never voted the way teamsters shills said to. always sent my dues to a charity. bunch of shitheads

  3. Why do you NEED or why do you WANT thus and so. Nunnya, As in, nunny damned bizinis!
