Friday, March 13, 2020

Spinning nicely


  1. The Yuma Proving grounds has cameras that watch the stuff they fire so they can look for ways to improve it. They had an open house once when we were down that way.
    Neat picture!

  2. Replies
    1. SCOTTtB, What do you mean by that?
      You can see the shell pitching slightly as it proceeds.

  3. How on earth can a camera pan that fast?

    I was guessing the camera (or maybe just a lens/mirror) was spinning and synchronized to match the projectile, but notice the image is initially centered on the muzzle and motionless.

  4. daniel_day: The lift ring is that round circle thing on the nose of the projectile which is used to lift the projo ( artillery talk for the round ). It is normally removed and replaced by a fuse when firing the round. I have no idea why they fired that one with the lift ring on it.

    Paul L. Quandt
