Friday, March 20, 2020

So Sean Penn, the alcoholic, woman beating loser is now the authority on pandemic response?

And what a great expression Sean has on his face here.


  1. Who the heck cares what Sean Penn thinks about this? His personal issues aren't relevant to his credibility on epidemiology and public policy, but his utter lack of expertise on this issues certainly means he doesn't belong on TV spouting his opinion.

  2. CNN is hooking up with Madonna's former bedmate because they both have one common interest and it's not the welfare of Americans. They're 100% focused on destroying Donald Trump. It's your typical Liberal pathological Trump Derangement Syndrome.

  3. Spicoli is smarter than Penn

  4. Personally, I find it enlightening, if a bit disconcerting, watching who and what the left is willing to trot out as an "expert" on any given subject. Can you imagine being so stupid you look at that washed up commie sack of shit and think to yourself, "Hey, that's a guy whose opinion I could put stock in"?

  5. He just loves him some military dictatorships, don't he? Great friend of the late Hogo Chavez.

    Look at this guy. He's an advertisement for the ravages of alcohol.

    This how dumb this guy is. After he got together with Charlize Theron, she told him she didn't like living with guns. So he had them melted down. I think it was six months later, they were caput. Six months of nookie vs thousands of $ worth of guns, some of which were collectables? Choices. ...and people think Trump supporters are crazy.


  6. With all the shit that's emanated from his mouth, he should be an expert...on toilet paper.

  7. Now all we have to do is find out what Alyssa Milano, Cher and Barbara Streisand think.

    And we haven't heard from that renowned biochemist Jenny McCarthy either.

    1. In jennies defense, I'm not nearly as interested in what comes out of her mouth as I am in what I can CRAM into it...
