Thursday, March 19, 2020

Nikki Haley Resigns from Boeing Board in Protest of $60 Billion Bailout Request

“I cannot support a move to lean on the federal government for a stimulus or bailout that prioritizes our company over others and relies on taxpayers to guarantee our financial position. I have long held strong convictions that this is not the role of government.”

Boeing’s free cash flow for 10 years totaled $58.37 billion, while the company spent $43.44 billion, or 74% of free cash flow, on stock repurchases.

Haley informed Boeing, which has a large plant in South Carolina where the 787 Dreamliner is assembled, of her decision to resign March 16. Her resignation is effective immediately. She first joined the aviation giant's board of directors in April 2019, several months after departing the Trump administration.

... And the 2024 Republican presidential primary is officially underway.


  1. Atta girl, Nikki.

    Ron Swanson Lives!

  2. Yep. Political move. She's running for president. Otherwise we wouldnt see a big resignation speach.


  3. She's running for president in 2024. The Republican primary in terms of won delegates has gone to Trump. He's the presumptive nominee.

    If Haley is running for the Senate, she would need to do that very quickly to get through the system and onto the ballot.

  4. After watching her performance as Governor and seeing how funding for illegals in SC ballooned under her watch, I rate Haley as a hard pass for President just as I would for worthless hack Lindsey Graham 2.Zero

    1. Both political Scyphozoans float on the dark state sea, WDS. Albeit it well camouflaged.

  5. I'll tell ya, SC can sure send some real winners to Washington DC. Fritz Hollings, Jim Clyburn, Mark "Hotlips" Sanford, Graham, Haley, Scott. Did I miss anyone? LOL

    1. I'm sure whatever marvelous state you live in sends the best to DC. So tell us, what great, upstanding lawmakers have you sent.

    2. So I'm in Maryland - Haley would be a hyuuuge improvement.

  6. Watch what she does, not what she says.

    Weasel is a term that comes to mind.

  7. I will never,ever vote for her again.
