Monday, March 23, 2020

I get knocked down, but I get up again....

Little Bobby learns about taunting animals.

Big Bobby learns some chicks will just take you down and keep you there.


  1. That woman doing the pushing should hope the guy does not get up and prepared for her. Surprise works for a while, when the guy gets a serious case of hate and anger going she will be risking a whole lot. I used to work Emergency Room and ambulance duty. Fights can get lethal in a heartbeat. from HH.

  2. That is a whole lot of woman! She gets that boob mass a'swinging she is like Hulk!

  3. These recently instituted early morning "Corona virus seniors only" events are proving entertaining.

  4. I was going to say, she better hope he doesn't get his footing! She's going to regret her mistake.

  5. Why would you get between her, and her food?

  6. Looks like not all the lard is in the burgers and fries.......

  7. Looks to me like hipster boy has already took his best shot and is trying to vamoose before he gets his butt kicked by a whole lotta Rosie.
