Sunday, March 15, 2020

I didn't see a blinker.


  1. All kinds of idiocy there. Slow drivers in the left lane, fast driver passing on the right, no signal for the lane change. There are times you wish a cop could pull over half-a-dozen idiot drivers at once.

    1. Extinction of the human race. It's a race between the moron drivers and Corona virus and in either case we only have ourselves to blame.

  2. guy in the left lane was probably falling asleep

  3. Think this might be a foreign country where the left lane is the slow lane!
    Note the signage on the left side of the road...........

  4. Might be my imagination, but I think I saw about 3 blinks before the collision.

  5. You can see the back of a sign on the right in the first second. I'm pretty sure this is a British road and the right lane is for oncoming traffic, so the grey car was doing a very ambitious overtake of at least 3 vehicles. I can't tell if there's a flash of light from the white car or it's going in and out of shadows from the trees.

  6. Some drivers seem to think that putting their blinkers on automatically gives them authority and clearance to change lanes, and are stunned that others don't drive off the roadway to allow them to move. Russians seem particularly susceptible to this sort of thinking, judging by comments on dashcam videos.
