Monday, March 30, 2020

How float planes takeoff on land. from r/interestingasfuck


  1. I watched one with floats land on the grass at the Vancouver WA airport.

  2. Get it to about 65 MPH and it flies well.

    I own one like that only with wheels.

    you can get it in the air as low as 53 MPH, lower with a headwind.

  3. This is a routine procedure. Many floatplane owners seasonally switch between floats and wheels, and the companies that do the switching are often located at land airports. So the guys/gals fly in on wheels, switch to floats and take off this way. When they switch back to wheels, they land on wet grass alongside the runway, do the switch and take off normally, leaving the floats behind to be stored by the shop until the next summer.

  4. Takeoffs are optional, landings ...etc.
