Sunday, March 15, 2020

Flight of Mustangs.

Thanks, Don!


  1. Little friends.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

  2. As viewed from the left side gunner position on a B-29. Escorts would form up on a 29 for navigation.

  3. A flight of four P-51 Mustangs from the 72nd Fighter
    Squadron, 21st Fighter Group, 7th Fighter Command, escorting a B-29
    near Saipan in February 1945. Photo was taken from the bomber's
    waist gun position.

    The Mustangs are tucked in close - look at the
    separation between the lead Mustang and the B-29's wingtip. The P-51's
    are equipped with auxiliary drop tanks, indicating a very long range
    (VLR) mission.

    This photo has special meaning to me because the Mustang flight leader
    is my Dad.

    Thanks CW!
