Thursday, March 26, 2020

Cabin Porn

Looks like they used to full grown, live pines to build this cabin around.  It appears as if at least two of them are exiting the roof through those chimney like structures.

Is that a good idea?

What happens during a windstorm?  Trees move a lot in such conditions.  These trees look like they have their full top halves, with branches and needles attached.  Wouldn't such movement tend to pull the house apart?

What if one of the pines died?  How long would it stay structurally sound?  Don't they drop branches in the natural course of things?

This just seems like a bad idea.


  1. Nothing lasts forever... but you can stay in this place! Pictures from inside:

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Superhighway for bugs to get in and out of the house.

  4. Tree houses...shudder. All I see is lightning strikes.

  5. Trees keep growing, 15 years down the road someone has a big problem!

  6. Yes, beautiful but dumb, like my ex-girlfriend and her damned Irish Setter.

  7. I suspected that those trunks are cut off at the top, and only looked like they're extending though the top.

    Having followed Soylent's link - yeah, they're live pines. Still neat, and all that.

  8. Tree taps allow sliding movement so the tree can grow while maintaining treehouse integrity.

  9. 1) But it's an actual treehouse.
    2) Personal choice would be utility-pole anchored house among such trees. Same view, same effect inside, lots more stability outside.
    3) Given the option, I'd go for a house around and amongst oaks, not pine trees. Probably wall it off all around with conex boxes and concrete to boot.
    That would be a tree fort.

    1. Tree Fort is a better investment.

      Tree house is cooler, because it is ephemeral.

  10. Tree dies?
    Cut the top off and seal it from the elements.
    Looks like no problem with all four corner posts angled in towards the center.
    Trees getting bigger?
    Could be a problem, but just like rising sea levels due to (supposed) global warming, plenty of time to adjust for the growth.

  11. These elevated cabins are rather dumb to be honest. They are yuppified showpieces with little practical value. And, once your knees give, useless. Very impractical.
