Sunday, March 15, 2020

Biden is flat out dangerous to the nation, the economy, and to our standard of living.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden made extreme remarks during CNN’s presidential debate on Sunday night, suggesting that he would end the oil industry’s ability to drill, would ban new fracking projects, and would take millions of cars off the road.

“No more subsidies for fossil fuel industry, no more drilling on federal lands, no more drilling including offshore, no ability for the oil industry to continue to drill,” Biden said. “Period. Ends.”

Straight up lunacy. Just when fracking has made the country energy independent after decades of having to import energy from hostile countries, Biden wants to ban it, and to seize control over the oil/energy companies.  Sound familiar?  It's the exact thing actual, real life fascists did, and actual, real life communists, except they did this kind of evil to shore up the power of the state, not crush the economy and the standard of living of the people.

And it's not just Biden, but the policy of a large segment of the Democratic Party, which the extreme left seems to now control.

 Yet millions will vote for this man, and through him, this insane policy.  


  1. It might be calculated to gain the Bernie voters. Some of them, the Bernie Bros have already said they would never vote for Joe. But then, it might be that he's just plain nuts. Two sides of the same coin, I guess.

  2. The enemies of this Republic only
    have the best interests of China in mind.
    All the "plans" which they endorse, would
    allow China the upper hand, across the board.
    Which is the globalists plan all along.
    As they've deemed China the new model for
    their plans. The virus release is part of
    their plan to re-install China at top, since
    we've beaten them with Trumps economic plan.

  3. Plugs Biden is mostly dangerous because he's a sock-puppet stooge for the Globalists here and abroad. In the minuscule chance he does win I wonder hours he's last before the Arkancide squad completed another contract.

  4. It's almost as if they want a pounding in Nov.

  5. And it's not just Biden, but the policy of a large segment of the Democratic Party, which the extreme left seems to now control.
    They'll vote for him because they believe in this nonsense. He's trying to appeal to the wildest left because that's the primary voter. They've been so indoctrinated that oil is destroying the planet that they want to destroy civilization.

    More than a few have been honest enough to say they want to kill off 95% of humanity, or more.

    1. RE; your last observation. Should their plans come to fruition, I say we oblige them... Enthusiastically. I know where to start in my AO. Do you? :)

  6. The exact same thing is true for ALL Demonrats politicians and at least half of the GOP.

  7. As someone else pointed out: You better love the Amish way of life because that is where your plan is headed.

  8. Remember, a vote for Biden isn't a vote for Biden. It's a vote against Trump.

    The nation only chose a lesser evil.
