Thursday, December 26, 2019

Violence, especially with guns, is cultural

This is a very interesting article.

And, an article that gets closest to the explanation of the problem.

Commonly, we hear in mass media terms like gun violence, drug crisis, or homelessness.

In fact, the real crisis is a moral one, but for some reason we can't bring ourselves, as a society, to correctly place blame where it belongs.

The gun, the drug, both are inanimate objects, which cannot commit a crime or a sin.  It takes a person to misuse them.

Attempts to avoid the real cause - it's us - lead to ineffectual plans to limit access to the inanimate objects which cannot themselves cause problems.

Homelessness is not caused by a lack of a home.  That's a symptom, not a cause.

It's source is personal bad decisions.  People can only become a drug addict by deciding, against all sane advice, to put dangerous drugs in their bodies.

People, by and large, end up on the street because they fill themselves with drugs, find they can't hold a job, pay bills, or anything else, and the natural result is personal disaster.

People get killed with guns because someone else picks up a gun and misuses it, or they shoot themselves in a fit of depression.

Until we as a society learn to accurately point out the source of the problem, we won't be able to even begin to solve the problem.

It's certainly at it's core a cultural problem


  1. Rayciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssssssss!

    Twenty-plus years ago, National Review noted that crime in the U.S. if black-committed crimes were removed, was a rate per capita lower than Switzerland. If Hispanic crime were also factored out, the U.S. crime rate was lower then Liechtenstein.

    If they published that now, they'd be burned out of their building, and prosecuted for committing a hate crime.

    1. You are right.
      But the best way to go broke today is, to try selling the truth.

    2. That is a spot on assessment of what is wrong in America today. Aesop's observation is also correct as is Frank's. In the end force may crush truth to the earth, but the truth is still the truth and it will stand while the world is on fire.
