Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The view from an apartment in Northern Iceland this week.


  1. Appears them clouds are hanging low today!


  2. I'm sure that's just cotton. Some sort of Christmas prank... yeah.

  3. Merry Christmas to you and yours! God Bless!

  4. Looks like my house last year ....... Merry Christmas!

  5. "Global warming crisis my Aunt Fanny."

    It's actually called climate change, not global warming. Turned out that many people couldn't understand the complexities of climate and simply assumed that the entire world was going to simply turn warmer. That isn't what's happening at all, because the complexities of climate change can in fact cause everything from extreme blizzards to record heat, with the ultimate result of an overall rise in temperature. To say that an extreme snowfall proves that the world isn't getting warmer is shortsighted.

    1. It's also shortsighted to not remember "global warming" being the go-to catchphrase for common atmospheric conditions.

    2. Has climate ever stopped changing? I think not.

      Hopefully this was first floor apartment...........

    3. The Earths climate has been changing since the first book of Genesis described the Big Bang.
      Why is *NOW* the climate we want to keep?

    4. Exactly. All I'm saying is there's no misunderstanding going on with any of the elitist word choices be it 'climate change' or 'global warming'- it is just scientifically absurd to think "we" can change the climate. In a lab or on a computer program- sure we can!
      But here in the real world- no, it is not happening.

      Dictionary- "climate: the composite or generally prevailing weather conditions of a region, as temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness, and winds, throughout the year, averaged over a series of years."

      The very definition of climate is an average of its changes over a given period of time.

  6. Looks contrived. Nobody in their right mind would put windows like that in a building in a cold environment... and nobody in their right mind would rent an apartment with windows like that in a cold environment. So... I say it's fake because I want to retain some residuum of faith in human intelligence. A lie surprises me less than blatant stupidity.

    But then there's also the fact that Trump ever got elected to any public office, which undermines my faith very badly.
