Thursday, December 26, 2019

Nice. Why is the tail painted white?


  1. It's to identify the aircraft carrier that it's attached to. Often used in the later Pacific Theater when there were LOTS of aircraft carriers and lots of aircraft.

    1. 97 Carriers (including escort carriers, light aircraft carriers, seaplane carriers, and aircraft carriers) total served the US in WWII. This number includes those that were sunk during operations.
      The US Built over 151 carriers total with 122 being escort carriers.

    2. Squadron ID, not always attached to the same carrier

    3. Did a little research (love going down the rabbit hole on stuff like this!!). The total aircraft carrying capability of the US Navy at the end of WWII (if all carriers were "battle loaded") was over 4000 aircraft.

      And to quantify my last post, quite a few of the escort carriers built went to the British.

  2. LTV built it on a Friday, on Monday a white F4U came off the assembly line that was all white , except it had a blue tail group.
    That what you get when you get temp help from a Mopar assembly line.

    1. Hell, knowing Mopar, those paint schemes were a factory option.

    2. GM did the same thing, except with upholstery kits. That's how you get a deep blue sedan with red interior and a red sedan with deep blue interior.

  3. When it came time to choose a paint scheme for the aircraft it was decided use one from the time that she was in the Military. The US Navy record cards only show one particular squadron of assignment by name, VMF-213. During the time period that this Corsair was assigned to that squadron in Hawaii, they were doing carrier operations off of the USS Saidor. Existing pictures of the squadron’s Corsairs at that time were used to come up with the paint scheme the airplane carries today. We know the airplane was in the squadron and at that location during the time frame and there is a high probability that she carried these markings.
