Friday, December 20, 2019

Looks like a spaceship


  1. I use to have that same view in south Wichita.

    1. I used to see that often when working third shift at Cessna.

  2. one of my most memorable views of a night take-off: SR71 with boron laced fuel. incredible.

  3. i was driving between Cimmaron and garden city Kansas late one night and i am the only car on the road. I see, way off in the distance, a flashing red light. I was driving along and the light kept getting closer and i still had no idea what it was. All of a sudden, my car was being tossed all over the road and there was this deafening roar as i saw four red circles rapidly pulling away from me. then i remembered i had read in the paper that the B1's in Wichita had a new low level flight training route that went right through that area. I had been buzzed by a "Bone' flying at 100 to 150 feet above the ground!
    I can imagine the pilots in the cockpit, seeing my car heading down the highway, aiming for me just to scare the hell out of me!! a classic "Watch this shit' moment for them!!
