Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Imagine how much that water weighs.


  1. About 63 pounds per cubic foot. About 8 pounds per gallon.

  2. Well, if it's Communist China, the concrete will fail in 5-10 years, like on their spoil islands in the South China Sea and Spratley Islands.

  3. 8.56 Lbs/Gallon, 7.48 Gallons/Cubic foot. Doing submarines for a living, I have to know the conversions to keep the boat in trim.

  4. A little more per pint than the water that exits my kitchen faucet.

    Because of the TDS and the suspended dirt. The water from my kitchen faucet has little of either, and both increase the fluid's density.

    Not at all hard to calculate.

    Or measure.

    Go grab us a sample.
