Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Breakfast done right


  1. That looks like restaurant fare, where is it? I want to make a note so I'll remember it when I get near on my travels!

    Thinking of steak, I'll go out of my way to stop at The Big Texas Steak Ranch in Amarillo again. I didn't try for the free 72 oz steak (I watched a guy do it) but the 20 oz steak I had was memorable enough that I'd take I-40 just to stop there again.
    As a plus taking I-40 keeps you out of the Constitution Free Zone down south.

  2. Dinner tonight: flank steak with Montreal Seasoning rub (Great for Steaks!) now coming to room temp in the cold oven (I have cats who'll steal it...), grill up toward 500, lay the steak on, 7 minutes first side, 5 - 7 on the second side, off to rest. Meanwhile, I'll steam spuds to mash with milk and butter, salad, and something else green. Aaaaand, left over spuds and steak with eggs tomorrow. Yummness there!

  3. I see the last 70+ years of bullshit marketing still has a firm grip on millions. Have a PLAC done and get back to me.
