Monday, December 23, 2019

Big Green Machine


  1. I want!

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

  2. I might want, but I'm super-picky.

    It's certainly about a million times nicer than when it came from the factory, but I tend to want an old truck to be an old truck.

    Plus, worth as much as a house.

  3. I'd take it as-is. I'm not that picky.

  4. There are usually a few of these, and the pickups, and the crafted crew cabs at the PHX Barrett-Jackson. Which, incidently is the most awesome car show I have ever attended. Park for free at a remote parking lot, get on a nice bus for free and get dropped off 300 feet from the entrance, no muss, no fuss, no traffic issues. I stay completely out of the auction area, too noisy, and just concentrate on the cars and all the ancillary stuff going on.
