Saturday, April 13, 2019

This is why the news shouldn't be believed. Today this is all over the internet: Court allows return of asylum seekers to Mexico

No, it doesn't.

All it does is ensure both parties have due process by allowing them to argue their positions.  It's a temporary stay.  At best, the administration can return asylum seekers to Mexico for another week, or however long it takes the Circus to write their ruling against the hated man of orange.  Better load 'em up and move 'em out as fast as possible.

A three-judge panel set a Tuesday deadline for civil liberties groups to submit arguments why the order blocking the Trump administration should take effect. It set a Wednesday deadline for the government to argue why the policy should remain in place.

Judge Richard Seeborg ruled Monday in favor of civil liberties groups who want to halt the practice while their lawsuit moves forward challenging the policy. His order had been set to take effect Friday afternoon.
Seeborg said the policy violates U.S. law by failing to evaluate dangers migrants face in Mexico.
The government says Seeborg’s order is erroneous and endangers the public during a humanitarian crisis at the border.

After that, it will be back to legislating from the bench. 

You get - and need - only one guess to know what the Ninth Circus will rule when it comes to a Trump policy.  Orange man bad.  

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