Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Romanian IAR 80 fighter plane, WW2.


  1. I guess the Romanians have really long legs. They must match their fingers because when I was in Italy I was warned to keep my wallet out of my back pockets since Roma gypsies have long fingers.

  2. I see Howard Hughes all over that plane...

  3. The Roma are not Romanians. The term "Roma" refers to Gypsies. IIRC, that is a name they use for themselves. They are a nomadic culture and race. You find them all over Europe"Romania" is a reference back to the time that it was a Roman province.
    Caught a Roma woman picking my MiL's purse while we were in Budapest. Saw Roma kids pick a man's pocket on the Paris Metro. They tried it on me and I pushed them away. The French police do nothing about it, so it appears.
    That was a great plane. As good as anyone's at the time. It suffered from a lack of decent hitting power and resources able to adequately improve it as it tried to keep up with its opponents.

    Greetings from sunny, temperate Pine Grove. Got all my firewood felled, bucked, split,and stacked. You??

    MfG, Goetz von Berlichingen

    PS: You should look up my namesake if you like badasses. His famous quote as he is called on to surrender by an army besieging his castle... Kiss my ass! (Lech mich am Arsch).
    He won, btw.
    Goetz vB

    "Roma" is also Italian for "Rome".

    1. Got all the wood I gathered from the property cut nicely, but now we need some rainy weather.

      MfG, Herr Goetz!

  4. They appear to have 12 rifle-calibre machineguns (7.9mm calibre ?) in the wings, like the Hurricane II (.303 calibre). But, are those also a couple of cannon closer to the wing root? If so, they were heavily-armed for single-engined fighters!
