Thursday, October 4, 2018

Inform your Progressive friends about this simple trick.


  1. Better trick from me, your wise old social media non-user. Don't own a cellphone. Use a landline with voice mail. Nothing is that important you can wait a few hours to hear.

  2. ^^^

    Once again my dementia kicked in. Last sentence should read: "Nothing is that important you CAN'T wait a few hours to hear."

  3. possibly the most important thing for a cell phone user to listen to is the screeching and squalling of tires attempting to grip the roadway and bring forty tons of motorized mayhem in the form of a Freightliner tractor trailer.
    as far as I can tell, only a heart monitor screaming heart attack could be more important.

  4. Great idea, except what the hell is "infetterence?"

    If it weren't for that, this might even work.

  5. I loved all of the libtards who were planning to smash their phone or throw it in the Hudson river if they received a text from the White House. The level of stupid is high within that group.

    I have an Android and have it set not to get "alerts" so I didn't receive the presidential alert.

  6. LOL, don't post that to Twitter, they'll use it as an excuse to ban you like the many, many conservatives they've banned already! This isn't a joke to the Left, they have no sense of humor and this meme would be called "fake news-" and any excuse to ban a right-winger will do!

    Besides, many on the Left are stupid enough to follow the advice in this joke, so Twitter would say, "See what you did!"

  7. I'm just astonished by the number of alleged adults who must have gotten their first cell-phone within the last 22 months.
