Friday, October 5, 2018

I guess that plan to run a "by all means necessary" smear campaign against a guy who's led an exemplary life didn't work quite as planned


  1. Je me don't get it.

  2. Its late and I'm watching Amanpour and she has all the liars on and they're all whining about how nobody believed all these great charges of rape, assault, gang rape, blackouts, rape, assault, blackouts, and it's game over you dumb losers and they don't get it. They keep going back to their vomit and licking it hoping it will taste better.

  3. What does "D+14," etc mean?


    1. I think it means that the Democrats had a 14 point lead over Republicans in the "Generic Ballot" for the upcoming mid-term elections. A lead which they have now lost.

  4. And now it's over: Justice Kavanaugh has been confirmed to the Supreme Court of the United States.

    He'll probably continue to be unbiased and honest in his judicial role, which is better than the Democrats deserve; but if deep in his heart he bears some grudge, and that tilts the field toward the Right- then good on him!
