Thursday, October 18, 2018

"Float copper" is nearly pure metal, sheared out of an ore vein by a glacier during the Ice Ages. This is the largest known piece in the world, at 56,400 pounds.


  1. Interesting.

    I had never heard of "float copper" before.

  2. Like LL, I had never heard of "float copper." I have heard and seen bog iron and bog c.opper

  3. Holling Clancy Holling, in his children's book "The Indians," has one female slave character in the Pacific NW discovering a large chunk of float copper, and uses it to buy her and her people's freedom. Written back in the 1950's and gorgeously illustrated, also. So, at an early age I knew about float copper. Didn't know that such chunks still existed.

    HCH wrote "Pagoo", "Paddle-to-the-Sea", "Minn of the Mississippi" and other books. If you've got kids or grandkids, track down his works. All are well-written and absolutely beautifully illustrated.

  4. Hmmm, price of copper $2.83/lb. 56,400 lbs..........
