Friday, June 22, 2018

Viva la difference

An Iranian gal takes off the hijab and goes western.  Check out her photo on the ID card hanging from her neck.

Meanwhile, in Kuwait, women line up to vote.

All cultures are not equal.


  1. Wow. We went to war to liberate Kuwait...for This? So, judging by the photos we should certainly stay away from Iran. Which is just fine with Trump, thank God.

  2. Back when I worked in Tunisia, we would board the Paris flight at the end of our hitch and all the ladies looked like this, although not all in black and not all with their face covered. By the time we landed in Paris though, they would all be decked out and made up and ready to hit the town. You had to make sure you had used the bathroom before taking off, because you ain't gettin' in during the flight, Bud.
