Saturday, June 30, 2018

Another view on the imminent election of AMLO just to our south.

The Diplomad sees things more optimistically than I do, but then again, he has a world of better experience on these things.

I hope the best for Mexico and its folk.

However, I'm afraid that AMLO will turn that country into the next Venezuela.  Given Venezuela's clear example, I'm amazed the people in Mexico would elect someone like that, someone who shares an ideology of proven failure.  Worst case scenario: in five years Mexico is economically prostrate, its  democratic institutions destroyed, and its relationship with the US severed.

This could be big.  There's very little coverage in the news here in El Norte about it.

We will see, I suppose, but as the Diplomad suggests, at the very least the election of a Chavista in Mexico will serve to clarify our relationship with that country.


  1. The majority of humans on earth are emotional reactionaries and will jump at the most ludicrous promises rather than take the time to think rationally then make a decision. Just look around at common every day if you need evidence. Political promises made to the general public are like lollypops offered to 5 year olds. They're eagerly grabbed, taste good for a few minutes, but eventually the bitter taste of a paper stick is all that remains.

  2. My Dad and I used to spend a lot of time in Mexico, and I went to school there long ago. The Mexico I knew was that of grinding poverty but happy people; it was a land of paradox.

    Mexico has always had two separate groups of people: the elites, who spoke Spanish but were mostly white-skinned descendants of the Spanish, and the much larger group of Indio/Mestizo with darker skins (a great many of which were illiterate) who did the manual labor. This is still a major divide, and the lower classes still have little representation in the Mexican government.

    I wish Mexico well, but they have to make their own bed. Sending the unwanted population to us in the North just won't work, and will lead to unfortunate conclusions.

    An overseas friend visiting Texas just now asked me if I'd ever heard of "Remember the Alamo." Yes; and I remember what Davy Crockett said to Congress: "You can all go to Hell, I'm going to Texas."

  3. need to hustle on the fence but i draw the line at land mines. just hate land mines. i'm ok with claymores though, least as a signaling device. but, yeah, hustle up on the fence
