Thursday, June 1, 2017

In celebration, I'm going to spell out "Covfefe" in old tires on my lawn and light them on fire.

Now how will Al Gore make any money selling carbon credits?

If this was such a critically important treaty, why didn't Obama submit it to Congress for approval?  Why, because they wouldn't have approved it, of course!


  1. I've been perusing local news media in both Philadelphia and Pittsburgh to see what the local reaction is. As expected, the press has it's usual leftist slant, blaming Trump for causing 'the end of mankind', LOL. But when reading the comment sections (when they were enabled) there is overwhelming support of Trump and his actions today.

    I feel refreshed.

  2. Why...oh why... do we let idiots like these tell us what to do? Why are they even allowed to vote? Stupidity like this is a GOOD argument for eugenics...

  3. They just don't realize that the world actually ended YESTERDAY and no-one told them.

  4. The effluent of any one active volcano over a week equals all the "reductions" proposed by the Paris accords. There are about 300 active volcanos and, for example, the recent eruption in Alaska equaled all of these in a day.

  5. funny how they all 'believe' in science just like they believe that Trump had to have russians hack the election in order to beat hillary. I don't think they know that science is not a 'vote'.

  6. I would like to know how the ACLU thinks this has anything to do with race relations.

    Wait, nevermind.

    I forgot Trump is white, the sky is green and everything is about race.

    That kind of stupid should be painful.

  7. Snowflakes are melting by the millions, but not from "global warming". BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

  8. Ahhh...the power of "Covfefe" ...the force behind him.
    The reactions are such a hoot!

  9. And they have the balls to show a picture of Miami Beach flooding, not from tides, but from heavy rain. Then to claim it's due to SEA LEVEL RISE. Sorry, but sea level rise has been a factor for the last few hundred centuries. It continues unabated at just over one mm per year, and there is nothing we can do about it.
