Thursday, June 29, 2017

Pissed off pregnant woman runs down thief with her car.

Them Southern Women don't cotton none to rapscallions and their thieving ways.

Hormones.  Or, mamma bear syndrome.  Either way, she seriously tagged this idiot.  And of course, the criminal is shirtless.

ASHEVILLE, N.C. (WLOS) — A pregnant woman tells News 13 she chased a man and hit him with her SUV in a Walmart parking lot after she says he attempted to steal her purse.
It happened around 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday at the Walmart on Bleachery Boulevard. News 13 was there and got exclusive video of the incident.
Christine Braswell and other witnesses we talked to said the man was rummaging through her SUV prior to the incident.
When witnesses confronted the man, Braswell says he ran away with her purse and dropped some other items. She says she initially chased after him on foot but decided to pursue him in her vehicle because she's pregnant.
"I jumped in the car, threw it in gear and came across the curb and ran over him," Braswell told News 13. "I wasn't going to let him get away with it."
The man was transported to the hospital after the incident. Asheville police told News 13 he is expected to be OK and only suffered minor injuries.
The man who was hit has been charged with felony breaking and entering, larceny and misdemeanor damage to property. Christine Braswell has been charged with misdemeanor assault with a deadly weapon.


  1. And who is the scumbag DA that charged this woman? I want to be on that jury.

  2. Happened just up the road from me in The armpit of rabid Liberalism "Asheville, NC". So the woman (victim turned criminal) is charged with a more serious crime then the druggie bum (criminal turned victim by the "we care" idiots) who stole her purse. Liberal justice from the whining left.

  3. It's Ashville. The young lady is lucky those socialist scumbags in office didn't charge her with attempted murder. I'm with Tony above. Put me on the jury and I'll get the asshat DA sentenced, not Christine.

  4. Good for her! I hope she backed over the POS a few times.

  5. i would have considered anyone breaking and entering and larceny to be a credible threat of bodily harm/death because criminals have much easier access to deadly weapons than the law abiding citizenry. the thief was running away. he was no longer a credible threat. what she did was akin t shooting the thief in the back. if a LEO shot someone in the back as they ran away, he would get roasted. follow him, ok. run him down in the street-not ok. police officers know that they are to "enforce the law" not dispense justice.
    but then i live in Colorado so i have a little bit different outlook. we just yesterday had someone commit suicide by cop. he wounded four and killed one deputy sheriff here in Douglass County. we are saddened by our loss but resolved to support LEOs doing their best to protect the community and citizens through out the US. All county sheriffs in Colorado are on record as supporting the citizens right to defend themselves. but you better be right.
