Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Below, the Airman second from the right broke a stock on one of my .22's spinning it down in the barn.  Easily repaired by Dad, and a sacrifice well worth making.


  1. I marched in high school band, until I played on the varsity football team, and I understand a tiny bit about the discipline that must be involved in something like this. Well done, and thank them for their service. The outreach from things like this cannot be underestimated. Nor the pride that is generated. Thank you also for posting this.

    1. Very glad you like it. Agree completely with you on the discipline.

    2. I hope you mean "over-estimated."

  2. That was wonderful! It's a pity there was such a small audience, but I'm sure glad you posted it so that I could enjoy it!

    Those young men should all be commended, that took a great deal of skill, and many many hours of practice. The pride they should have in their drill is well-deserved!
