Monday, August 17, 2015

Scott Adams analyzes The Donald's political technique, and finds him to be a clown genius.

A sample:

"Like many of you, I have been entertained by the unstoppable clown car that is Donald Trump. On the surface, and several layers deep as well, Trump appears to be a narcissistic blow-hard with inadequate credentials to lead a country.
The only problem with my analysis is that there is an eerie consistency to his success so far. Is there a method to it? Is there some sort of system at work under the hood?
Probably yes. Allow me to describe some of the hypnosis and persuasion methods Mr. Trump has employed on you."

Go to the link and read it all.   I'm going to have to order "The Art of the Deal" on my Kindle and see what I can learn about The Donald's methods.


  1. Young people want to have jobs when they graduate from college, and they want to be able to have good enough jobs so that they can afford to buy stuff. Donald will connect with young people in that way and all Hillary will promise them is higher taxes and a larger national debt.

  2. Well we gave no neck McConnell the Senate and we gave the drunk Boehner the House only to have them lie to us and surrender all that we believe. Go Trump Go !!!
