Sunday, February 21, 2016

Halemaʻumaʻu lava lake, Kilauea, Hawaii

Years ago, the wife and I visited this place.  There was no lava lake then, but the rim smoked considerably, and smelled of rotten eggs.  My wife did not like the feeling of the lake, and left as soon as possible.  She sensed the seething lava not far below.

This photo shows a one-of-a-kind, completely hollow Pele's tear about 1.5 cm (1/2 inch) long. It was found on the rim of Halemaʻumaʻu and was ejected in association with this morning's explosive event, probably during the aftermath when the lake surface was spattering vigorously.


  1. When I was there last about three years ago there wasn't any lava either, but the whole area spoke to "activity" including the old lava tubes, which are just interesting to walk through.


    In the beginning of Hawaiian time... Madame Pele was born in a far-distant land at the edge of the sky. There she lived with her parents until she was grown up, when she married. After a time, and the bearing of children, her husband was “enticed away” by another. The deserted Madame Pele, being ‘much displeased and troubled in mind’ (a.k.a. pissed off), on account of her husband’s indiscrepancy, went in search of him. First, Madame Pele searched the island of Kauai and travelled southeast, finally making her home in Kilauea Volcano on the Big Island. Apparently, though, in this story, she never really resolves the “huhu” she’d had with the husband.
    - See more at:

    1. All the Pele legends were great. Yet another attraction to visiting the Hawaiians.
