Sunday, March 20, 2022

Puss will never do that again



  1. Reminds me of the time my cat jumped up on the table and landed right in the middle of a piping hot pizza...

  2. Reminds me of the time the cat jumped for the top of the toilet tank, but caught the edge of the open seat and lid. The look on her face as it delivered her to the bowl was memorable. She was looking right at me as she fell. Unfortunately we had the blue stuff in the water tank, so I had to raise the seat and lid and lift her out. She acted sort of stunned, as she didn't protest when I gave her a bath with shampoo to clean her fur. (Might have gotten whacked in the head by the seat/lid.) I was afraid that blue stuff would poison her if I didn't clean her up.

  3. thanks. laughed till my sides hurt
