Thursday, March 24, 2022

Once things settle down, France and Spain are surprisingly stable



  1. Stable with regard to borders, maybe. But currently the subject of an invasion by Muslims. And Spain has had their separatist problem for a long time.

  2. "Stable"?
    So we're not counting total invasion and conquest by foreigners...?

  3. Can't we all just get along? - Rodney King

  4. With Putin's Cronies now making nasty remarks about Poland .....if you check that timetable-map you will note that the Polish-Lithuanian kingdom came right up to about where Moscow is right now! I think hated jealousy-abounds!

  5. Thank you. Studied this in collage. So few know that the lines on the maps of Europe are so fluid and bloody. In our lifetime the countries have changed and flowed with and without bloodshed. The horror of today will continue as these people settle old feuds and hatreds. Sad but true!

  6. Could we get a slower version of this? Maybe even one that we can pause?

    1. A google search will get to "How the European Map has changed over 2400 years". Fast forward to the 20th century and go from there. Look carefully for Ukraine. It doesn't show up until around 1993. The main takeaway is how the changes have been constant over time, as Bull Goose Loonie states above. What a mess huh?
