Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Mrs. CW says if either Shasta or Lassen erupts, she's outta here.


                                                            Ready America Bug Out Bag.


  1. Well.....you know your own business, but I'd be keeping both sets of keys to the Orange Machine in my own pocket.

  2. For your car get two or three extra air filters and a pair of lady's hose. Use the hose to cover the air intake on your car to filter out large particulates in the air. Change the air filters as necessary. Volcanic ash and dust will destroy an engine quickly. Leave behind any car with a cold air intake.

  3. 1) How fast can she walk? Optimistically, that's 1 day's supplies for 2 people (or 2 days for one person, with a criminally stupid redundancy in needless personal hygiene products), and best foot speed would say that's about 25 miles.
    2) You could get 2-4x as far with a simple beach cruiser bicycle in a single day. A mountain bike would get you as far as you could ever pedal. Florida, even.
    3) That nolled layout shows why it's always a better idea to make your own kit. It's somewhere between utterly abysmal, and simply overpriced junk.
    4) If you're really that worried about it, you're already living too close. And PG&E is a bigger daily threat to you than volcanic armageddon. Ask Gerard Van der Leun.
    Just saying.
