Wednesday, March 23, 2022

More fun with logs



  1. Excepting those 2 poor horses maybe. Geez that's some load for 2 horse-power. Any downslopes?

  2. 46 logs, at minimum 1000-1500 pounds each...yeah, those horses are for show.

  3. They need a twenty mule team.

  4. Looks a bit like the Grinch and his dog.

  5. Yeah, those horses pulled those logs like 20k Egyptians built the great pyramid in 22 years. Dream on.

  6. Yes, actually the horses did pull them. The sled is on ice or frozen ground and the horses shoes have big ice caulks hammered in (Think cleats). Though when you see a picture like this, the pile so high and everyone standing around with their hands in their pockets, it is likely a contest or event of some type.

    If you are lucky to have your county or state fair run a horse pull, go watch. This is the size loads they get to (These contests use concrete blocks now) in the heavy team contests. They don't go far with them, but it is amazing how those teams can spin the stone boat loose from the earth and get those huge loads moving. Having moved away from muscle as the main motive force in our society, we really are missing somethings.

  7. Those don't look large enough to be draft horses.

