Sunday, March 20, 2022

Did I Call It, Or Did I Call It?

Note, this is an article normally for Pizza Level Patrons only, but the political implications of what's about to happen are too - what? - Entertaining? Disturbing? Both?


Now the "right side" press is starting to talk.  This guy is exactly on point.

"The issue is never the issue. I suspect that Joe Biden is being prepped for ejection.  Exactly how it will happen I do not yet know. But he is on the threshold, or possibly has even passed the threshold, where he could appear to govern. His minders understand this. They must be the ones to replace him, otherwise they themselves risk being replaced, which would be intolerable. As I say, it’s not entirely clear yet how the defenestration will take place. Obviously, Kamala will have to be dealt with first, and she will be. Look for some ground softening stories such as the Times just served up about the laptop. They won’t be long in coming."

Exactly.  I'm sure they hoped to get a year or two more out of him, but he's been a dumpster fire on steroids.

And getting him to resign will actually be easy.  They'll come to him when he's slumming in Delaware, and inform him that he needs to resign, for whatever reason he wants to cite, but resign it must be.  

If there's resistance, and there will be, they'll tell him if he chooses not to, Hunter will be going to jail for a long, long time.  If the resistance continues, they'll tell him he will follow his crackhead son to jail.  They will point out that the press will turn against him quickly, and ruin him.

Either retire now with some dignity, and with the remaining son free as a bird, or both will spend the rest of their natural lives in court and then in jail (Joe won't make it long under such stress at his age - they might even threaten him with that).  

Eventually, probably quickly, Joe will crack and resign.  Easy peasy!

Now, Kamala may or may not be a problem.  Just as with Joe, she'd be a figurehead, and easily controlled by whoever it is that really controls our government now, so there's that advantage.  

However, she'd be much worse as prez, and require a lot more management.  How a Harris presidency plays out, or whether it does at all, remains to be seen. 

For now, enjoy watching the press for Biden change from friendly and protective to hostile.  Watch for the moment they announce to Applesauce Brain he needs to leave, and enjoy whatever resistance (if any) he decides to implement. 

Meanwhile, the country will burn.

Now, back to our regular programming...


  1. No.
    There is no acceptable backup plan after removing the white house moron. The people running him love having an empty vessel

    1. In order to control people, the people themselves must be somewhat culpable. Yet the people will withstand only so many lies for a set amount of time. This is the 'light and transient' set in the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution.

      The people become restless yet remain so only a short time. Then they become ungovernable. Use of force in attempt to bring the people back in line is right out the window for obvious reasons.

      When the cracks in the fine china* become too obvious to ignore, it must be discarded.
      This because The People occupy a position of great power. Otherwise, the corrupt would go right on pretending the crumbling of the house is to be disbelieved.

      By the telling of too many lies in so short a time in their ever increasing lust, the corrupt have themselves set the stage for their demise. It has always been thus because the black heart only craves more, always more. It cannot come soon enough.

    2. *there is nothing 'fine' about to presumed elite. But to their eyes they have built a magnificent edifice. This is the blinding nature of wickedness.

  2. Gayor Pete will be their choice. Watch him ascend within the ranks.

  3. I don't believe any of it. The left has exactly what they want.

  4. There's a solution to this chess game of broken characters. Trump won the election. Whatever happened to all of the suspicious vote tabulations and documented shenanigans of November 2020.. this must be opened and examined. How many people really believe Biden won the White House fairly?

    1. Only idiots and Trump haters, but I repeat myself.

  5. Dems have replaced vice president before under FDR. I expect Harris will replaced b4 Joe is forced out

  6. There is enough blackmail material on Sundowner to make him go away, not sure Harris will need to go as she is as much a puppet as Sundowner is. Has Sundowner embarrassed them and hurt them more than he is worth doing 100% what they need him for is the question.

  7. First they replace Harris with Hillary (so much crap on her she's controllable), then Slo Joe has "medical issues". TA-DA! FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT.
    Then the whole thing collapses.

  8. If they try to replace Harris first with Hillary, guess what 50/50 Senate and Hilly can't get confirmed (Harris is either gone, or in any case my understanding is the VP can't vote on the VP confirmation)
    If won't be Hillary, but someone that they can get the Senate to confirm.
    Biden dies or drops out while Harris is still VP she's the President. Again, they must put up an acceptable candidate. Until then no VP, no tie-breaker vote.
    Everyone sits in place until the Iranian bomb goes off.

    1. It may be a 50/50 Senate, but we can always depend on The Gang of Four (Romney, Collins, Murkowski and Graham) to act against the best interests of the nation.

  9. "Joe" will "die" from "COVID". Harris will assume but then it will be shown she wasn't eligible in the first place (she's not). Pelosi is next in line and will step in (search for video from 2020 where Pelosi reminds reporter she's "next in line"). Although Hillary wants it, either Bernie or, more likely, Buttplug, will somehow be selected, perhaps even Pres and VP. Remember, 0bama is in his 3rd term as pResident right now with Joe in office. He's calling the shots and he HATES Hillary, and Hillary HATES him as well. So 0bama will not allow a Clinton back in the White House even as a puppet. But at that point, those who haven't been paying attention will suddenly realize things are not as they seem......and normie eyes will lose their scales and open.

    After that......we'll see what happens.

    1. Obama's not in charge; running something like this is too much like work. He's in it for the prestige and the perks. The same people are in charge now as were in charge during Obama's regime.

      TPTB know they have to do this or something like it pretty soon, or the Dems will be toast come November.

  10. May you live in interesting times.

  11. Does it really matter?
    At least half the people in this country are seriously fucked in the head.
    It's well past time for massive over the top violence.
    The cancer must be removed.
    Yesterday on AD Hyland posted a link showing 2/3 of the population gone by 2025.

  12. Klaus Schwab and $oros are the puppet masters. Obama's 3rd term.
    Why is General Patrick Flynn still in charge of the Pacific Fleet Marines ?
    The Insurrection Act 1807.

  13. I had originally thought they'd try to get Joe just past the mid-terms. That way, Kamala could finish out his term and possibly serve two full terms of her own. However, Joe is disintegrating before our eyes and won't last that long, and tho' Kamala is controllable (and is willing to be controlled, so long as it profits her), she's also an intolerable despicable lunatic. Yeah, bad as things are right now, they're about to get a lot worse, I think.

  14. This has to be done before the midterms. Joe is going to Europe soon (this week?). But Kamala is suddenly replacing him as Joe has the covid. AF2 is brought down by a "Soviet" missile false flag. By By Kamala, country revved up and WW3 is on like Donkey Kong. Joe is either incapacitated or outright killed by the Wuhan Flu. He's 25th or buried. Pelosi becomes President. No VP is approved by the Senate. Tada Midterms, Majorities in both the house and senate. Trump voted in as Speaker. Pelosi is impeached and The Don is back as president before a new VP can be confirmed.

    Key to this is Kamala going first but it turns to crap for the Dems and the puppet masters, so she stays and becomes a controlled asset. Dems have to steal 2022 election. Country goes apeshit. Got Preps?

    1. spins take on the process is more like reality than your typical political shenanigans.
