Wednesday, March 23, 2022




  1. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  2. Two attempts at 'suicide for YouTube'.

  3. What are the sparks coming from off of the first idiot?

    1. His 'SmartPhone' grinding itself into shards, perhaps?

    2. Probably his "look at me, I'm a faggot" wallet chain.

    3. I think that was from the handlebar tip.

    4. If you look at the bike after it crashes, you can see there are some sort of metal framework just below the bottom of the tank, on both sides. Protruding wings on the frame, basically. Some sort of crashguard, or maybe it's to use during some of his stunts. When it hits the curb, that causes the flash of sparks.

  4. Everything has risk, you just manage it as best you can but I will admit that with some of these videos it looks a lot like gambling.

  5. Never understood the reason to show off??? Morons!

  6. Hopefully it taught the morons to never ride on public highways again.

  7. Get these kind of stupid theatrics from large swarms of often unlicensed motorcycles, dirtbikes, and 4-wheelers on the Beltway around DC. Quite dangerous. Always make me smile to see them self-destruct like this. Shame they couldn't all crash.

    1. I don't wish them harm.
      Death, certainly.
      But not harm.
      Bunch o' jackholes, sharing a common IQ.

  8. After 3 Water Buffalo's, 4 Goldwings and 500,000++ miles....I have no sympathy, empathy, or compassion whatsoever for asshats like these clowns....N.O.N.E....

  9. Reason number 783 why men don't live as long as women.

  10. Who hasn't done wheelies on motorcycles?
    The same people that were too scared to do them on bicycles.
    50 years later they're still jealous of those that did.

    1. I too , used to do them on the street. Until a little girl walked out in front of me while I was up on one wheel. Fortunately I was skilled enough to lean the bike away from hitting her and still avoided crashing. It was a matter of inches, or that small child would no doubt have been dead !
      Scared me bad enough , that never again did I do a wheelie on the street.
      Instead did them off-road or on a race track. Maturity is a trait many of us never achieve. It does not automatically come , just from getting older...

    2. Same here, back in the 60's and early 70's. Never hurt anyone but myself, sometimes. Everybody I knew was doing stuff like that. All the terrified complainers stayed inside and read comic books. 50 years later they're STILL complaining....

    3. Yeah, doing wheelies is fun on a parking lot but squids who do them on a public road in traffic are idiots who don't care about anyone else.

  11. I can understand the urge, and the fun, of doing wheelies. But I don't understand why you would not back off of one when your friend is crashing right in front of you. Oh well, I'm too old for that.

  12. Hope the bikes didn't suffer too much damage

  13. Stupid is supposed to hurt, lets hope it did. Thaes morons cause all our insurance rates to go up.

  14. He needs a little more practice. He ain't quite got that stunt perfected yet.

  15. I hope that hurt. Stupid should hurt.

  16. These are your typical squids. One of the reasons I quit riding non public streets. Notice the Converse high tops they wear. The guy in front had what appea to be Mechanix gloves which probably lasted maybe half a second on that asphalt. Squids.....

  17. I see idiots like this wearing shorts fercrissakes. Imagine the road rash.

    1. Don't have to. We have a wall of pictures at work.

    2. I'm thinking that the spray of brownish red stuff was the first guys leg detonating as it hit the guardrail posts...

    3. But if you watch he stands up and walks after the impact with the guard rail. I think he just missed that rail by inches but the handlebar struck it. Probably drunk and high too. Squids.

  18. I'm pretty sure that the last bike also crashed, as it looked like he was going to hit #2 just before the end of the video. So, THREE at once! Good job! (BTW, you're supposed to get accomplished at those stunts BEFORE trying to do group stunts. Squids from curb to curb. Fools.) NOT who you want as riding buddies...sheesh...

  19. Dope slaps, two for a buck! If stupid hurt, there'd be a lot of screaming people in this world.
