Monday, August 9, 2021

FERRARI ROMA Gets stuck in a too tight Italian alleyway. Why is it so often drivers of supercars like this that end up in the ditch or some other vehicular disaster?


  1. Because their drivers are too rich to have any sense.

  2. The ability to make or steal billions has nothing to do with critical thinking or logic. Take the rags to riches example of many politicians for example.

  3. Because you can't buy intelligence

  4. Considering the likely cost of the car versus the combined price of the two houses; buy 'em and dismantle.

  5. there is an airplane known as the Beechcraft Bonanza. formerly known as the doctor killer. only a doctor could afford a new one. they bought one, got busy, didn't fly for ten years, caught a break, and got back into a plane after ten years of not flying. next thing you know, "hey, what's that mountain goat standing on?"

    Thurman Munson had less than 200 hours flying time when he bought that jet. next thing you know, "hey, what's that mountain goat standing on?"

    fast rides let fools find out they are fools faster.

    1. I've heard any twin-engine light plane referred to as a "DLK" (Doctor-Lawyer-Killer) because as you pointed out, they're the only ones that could afford them, and they think expertise in one field carries over into another. (They're wrong.)

  6. It's only news if it's a supercar

  7. That old lady must be the real owner, given her keen interest in the proceedings and her 2-arm congratulatory salute.
