Monday, August 9, 2021

Electric Light Orchestra - Don't Bring Me Down. -- See if you don't smile while watching this.


  1. That was completely Awesome! Thanks CW, you do bring us some awful good entertainment!

  2. When I saw Ann Margaret pout,I was hooked, hard.

    Ann-Margaret Olssen...I've been in love with her forever! Talk about someone who worked her way from near bottom to the very top. Her real breakthrough was doing a softshoe routine with George Burns ('60 or '61?), believe it or not. Variety, at the time, prophetically published a piece that said, "... she has a definite style of her own, which can easily guide her to star status." Possibly Sweden's greatest gift of entertainment to us poor degenerates here in the US.

  3. Watching that, my eyeballz burned 300 calories.

    1. I watched it at least 4 times, so what, 1200 calories?

  4. Moi aussi. Ann-Margaret. Dream girl of my youth. My first daughter is named after her, but with an e for my grandmother and no hyphen.

  5. Much needed fun and joyfulness. Thx CW.

  6. Ann Margaret absolutely and she loved the men of Vietnam so great respect for her. This would have played well on the original MTV.

  7. Thank you CW! We love this video. ELO - My favorite band. My first concert I saw them in Mobile, AL. Hall and Oates opened for them during the TIME tour in 1981. My wife, daughter, and I saw Jeff Lynne's ELO in Houston Aug 2018 - my daughter's first concert. 'Twas grand!

    1. I watched the concert from England on cable.....unbelievable the number of musicians it took to reproduce the sound of ELO....
